Baby Care (Wash & Lotion) - A review by Mommy Blogger

Ammatoday - A Parenting Maven

Vaishali B Karthikeyan from Chennai is a Mom, a Teacher, a Bibliophile, a Blogger, a Superwoman, Dreamer and above all a parenting Maven. Vaishali in her free time writes and imparts her experiences, ideas on modern day parenting “Amma Today” her blog. Amma is “Mother” in Tamil language so as the name says Ammatoday her blog has plethora of  knowledge, references on child psychology, modern day parenting, recommended books for your little ones and lot more. Wandering through Instagram, team Organic Affaire just wildly landed on her profile page out of nowhere but in very first glimpse we were impressed by her work and by next minute fortunate enough to attract her interest in our baby care products, carrying forward the saga Vaishali decides to give a shot and experiment with Organic Affaire’s baby wash “Boo Bubbles” and baby lotion “Mushy Boo”. We are overwhelmed to know that her little princess is in love with our baby wash, finds the product value for money and fit for all seasons. What makes our day is the most unique compliment we have bagged so far  A big shoutout to @organicaffaire for being more than just making products but moving into responsible spaces.” :)

organic affaire baby care review instagram

Learn More in Vaishali's words - Blog (ammatoday)