Our Ingredients

Lavender oil is an essential oil obtained by distillation from the flower spikes of lavender flower. Egyptians & Romans have known to been using lavender oil from centuries for mummification, perfumery, aromatherapy, bathing, cooking & air purification.
In fact, when King Tut’s tomb was opened in 1923, there was said to be a faint scent of lavender that could still be detected after 3,000 years.
Lavender oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties which help to ease skin conditions like Eczema, Acne etc. it is proven to reverse signs of aging, healing/fading of burns, scars & wounds. It’s also known to be effective sedative, anxiety reliever due to its antidepressant properties.

Chamomile oil is extracted from Chamomile flower by steam distillation known for it’s medicinal properties in ancient Europe & UK to treat Fever, anxiety, skin conditions etc. There are two types of Chamomile oils used majorly i.e. German Chamomile and Roman Chamomile. German chamomile oil is mostly cultivated in Hungary, Egypt, Eastern Europe and France, while Roman chamomile is cultivated in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Morocco and France.
To the Egyptians it was an herb dedicated to the sun, to cure fevers, and to the moon, for its cooling ability. It was also recognized as a soother of nervous complaints and was used in shampoos, cosmetics and perfumes.
German chamomile contains azulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent hence oil highly known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties whereas Roman chamomile is a better anti-septic. Chamomile being the gentles among all essential oil is also known to be safe for babies and is used in cosmetology to develop products for treating baby rashes, allergies, irritations.
Shea Butter “A 24 Karat Skincare Gold”, Shea Butter is extracted from nut of Shea tree found in West Africa and used as cosmetic and therapeutic skin care lotion from thousands of years. The nuts of the Shea-Karite tree are first collected. It is said that these trees take nearly 15 years to bear the fruit, and only after completion of 30 years, the tree begins to produce its best.
It’s origin goes as far back as Cleopatra’s Egypt & economic progression of ancient middle Europe, where it was carried in large clay jars for cosmetic use.
Butter is mostly handcrafted by women in the African country of Burkina Faso offering us a luxurious skincare product and them a great Livelihood. In Burkina Faso Shea Butter has also been nicknamed “Women’s Gold!”
It’s global trade webs up to almost all the continents today and butter is well known for it’s anti-aging, moisturizing, healing and skin nourishing properties.
Rose oil is well known to have various beautifying and overall health benefits
Rose oil is extracted from rose petals by process of steam distillation, among all the flowers in the world Rose has the oldest history i.e. fossil age of 40 million years as confirmed by Florissant Fossil Beds Colorado and 35 million years old fossil deposits found in Montana and Oregon; however it’s Asian origin is known to be 70 million years old.
History of this flower & it’s oil has been part of various ancient cultures like the Romans, the Greeks, the Chinese, the Indians, the Egyptians, the English, the Arabians, the French and the Phoenicians. It was then used for perfumery, mummifying, religious ceremonies, royal bathing etc.
Containing a complex array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, rose essential oil has excellent emollient properties for moisturizing dry skin; it also offers antiseptic and astringent properties to treat skin acne, as well as anti-inflammatory properties that help treat redness and inflammation
Jojoba oil is the liquid produced in the seed of the Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) plant, a shrub, which is native to southern Arizona, southern California, and northwestern Mexico. The oil makes up approximately 50% of the jojoba seed by weight.
Native Americans extracted the oil from jojoba seeds to treat sores and wounds. The collection and processing of the seed from naturally occurring stands marked the beginning of jojoba domestication in the early 1970s. Jesuit missionaries in Baia came across this plant in the early eighteenth century and learned to soften the seeds with heat and then create a salve with the extracted oils. They used this salve to soothe the skin, nourish the hair and aid in the treatment of an array of skin conditions.
The powerful antioxidants contained in the jojoba oil help in regenerating the skin cells. Jojoba Body Oil: Jojoba oil is not only good for face, but can be used over the body instead of your regular body moisturizer.

Wheatgerm oil is obtained from wheat corn germs. Loosely it’s said, take all of the nourishing vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in the wheat kernel, cram them together and you have the wheat germ. This small portion of the wheat kernel is the embryo of the wheat plant, which is why it contains such a concentrated mega-dose of nutrition.
As one among the oldest cultivated crops, Wheat enjoys the sovereignty of being the most relished and cherished grains in the universe. Wheat dates to about 10,000 years. The earliest remains of Wheat have been found in Turkey, Jordan and Syria. Chinese used it to treat night sweats and for supporting healthy cellular functions. Indian Ayurveda also mentions highly of it’s medicinal and cosmetic properties
Wheat-germ oil is readily absorbed by your skin, which makes it an effective moisturizer, when applied to your skin, wheat-germ oil delivers a healthy infusion of vitamin A, vitamin D, B vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids.
Argan oil is produced from the kernels of the Argan tree that is endemic to Morocco, due to this small and specific growing area of the Argan trees, they are protected by (UNESCO) and often called “Tree of Life” by Moroccans, hence pure Argan oil is one of the rarest in the world.
Moroccans have been using the oil as a skin moisturizer and hair conditioner since ancient times. Phoenicians in as early as 1550 B.C. have recorded the use of Argan Oil by locals to heal and beautify their bodies. In 1510, African explorer Leo Africanus came across the Argan Oil when he was traveling across Morocco. From there, the oil entered Europe where only the rich and wealthy class had access to this expensive, rare and exotic oil.
Pure Argan oil is easily absorbed, and it regulates the pH balance of the skin, making it an excellent skincare product. Pure Argan oil’s proven and observed benefits for skin, and nails are extensive, like treating dry skin, oily skin, Acne, Aging, Scalp, Hair, Eczema and Psoriasis
Tea oil is obtained by passing a current of steam through the fresh leaves and terminal branches. After cooling the essential oil separates from the water and can be collected.
Tea Tree Oil – also known as Melaleuca, Australian Tea Tree Oil, or Melaleuca Alternifolia- only comes from one source. It is an oil that is derived from the leaves of the melaleuca tree native to Australia. Tea tree oil had been used by Aboriginal Australians for many years i.e. as back as 1920, when Arthur Penfold began to commercialize it.
Tea Tree oil is the most powerful of the immune stimulant oils and helps fight infections of all kinds, and helps clear the skin. Its properties are antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral. It is of great value in fighting germs and other remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infection and promoting healing including treating acne and hair problems
Aloe Vera gel is extracted from Aloe plant, native to northern Africa however is spread worldwide today and is a popular houseplant due to it’s known benefits. References of it’s benefits have been described in writings of many different cultures i.e. ancient Greeks, Egyptians, early Indian, Chinese and Romans. Ancient records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known for centuries, with its therapeutic advantages and healing properties surviving for over 4000 years.
The earliest record of Aloe Vera is on a Sumerian tablet dating from 2100 BC. Its antiquity was first discovered in 1862 in an Egyptian papyrus dated 1550 BC. Egyptian Queens associated its use with their physical beauty. Aloes are referred to in the Bible, and legend suggests that Alexander the Great conquered the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean to secure supplies of Aloes to treat the battle wounds of his soldiers.
Today it’s widely used by beauty industry owing to its moisturization, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory & healing properties.
Needless to mention, Coconut oil is obtained from cold/hot pressing of both dry and fresh coconuts, however fruit has quite an interesting historical origin. Possibly the first recorded coconut sighting was from Costas, an Egyptian traveler in the 5th century, A.D. He wrote about finding an “Indian nut” that many scholars today believe was the coconut.
In the 9th century there are more reports of coconuts being used in China to make fibers in the market. Coconuts are talked about in the story of Sinbad the Sailor in the 1,001 Arabian Nights stories. Marco Polo referred to coconuts as “nux indica” in the year 1280. In the 1600s, the coconut was referred to as “nargils” by Sir Francis Drake. Finally, in the 1700s, the Portuguese gave the coconut the name it uses today
Coconut oil is a chest of treasure when it comes to beauty, hair and skincare, it’s a wonderful face cleanser, moisturizer, sun screen, anti-aging, can treat many skin disorders, promotes hair growth, It protects the skin and has many antioxidants that make it ideal for healing the skin.
Juniper is a blue-green shrub having needles and small flowers native to countries of northern Europe, Canada, Scandinavia, Siberia & northern Asia. Juniper essential oil is obtained by process of steam distillation, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Canada and Austria are among major production hubs.
Juniper has been in use since ancient times, believed having powers to ward off evil spirits, negativity & illnesses. Juniper branches & berries were burned in Sumeria and Babylonia as a sacrifice to the gods. European have been using it for centuries to flavor their cuisines particularly where it grows abundantly such as throughout the Alpine regions. In ancient Egypt and Tibet, juniper was highly prized as a medicine and as an ingredient in religious incense, some references date back to 1550 BC on papyrus. In fact, juniper berry remains in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia to this day.
Today apart from it’s religious history it’s well known to be used for treating various skin & scalp conditions like, acne, dandruff, psoriasis, skin bacterial infections etc.